Working Conditions

Resolution (1974)

Whereas, the Claremore Classroom Teachers’ Association has secured the proper number and

Whereas, it is apparent that a bargaining agent for the certified personnel for the Claremore Schools is needed, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF INDEPENDENT

that the board herein hereby recognize the Claremore Classroom Teachers’ Association as the sole and exclusive negotiation unit which consists of certified teaching personnel employed by the School District who are full time employees, specifically excluding those employees who are designated as administrators, or otherwise have the power to recommend or evaluate teaching personnel.  Also exempted from the negotiating unit are those persons whose only employment with the School District is on a per diem or hourly basis, further excluding those School District employees who are not certified by the Teacher Certifying Authority of the State of Oklahoma .  Also excluded are those employees who have by formal letter expressed their preference from exemption from the negotiating unit pursuant to the State Laws of Oklahoma.

Witnessed our hands and the seal of said School District the date first written above.

Brandon Wofford, Clerk                                                                                

Patrick Gotcher, President


Approved:  April 2018

W-1 School Calendar

The teachers' contract year includes the following:  

1. The teachers will report to duty three days prior to the students' first day of classes and will check out the day after the students' last day. (The first three days are considered  professional days.)

2. The teachers' work year will not exceed 180 work days and will consist of the following:

a.  A minimum of 1,080 student instructional hours as required by the State Department of Education,

b. Four (4) parent-teacher conference half-days (Equaling two (2) contract days),

c. Two (2) additional professional development days,

d. One (1) end-of year check-out day which will occur the day after the students' last day,

e.  A contract workday with no required meetings or training immediately preceding the first student day,

f. And one (1) day preceding the first student day in January which will consist of one half (1/2) day of professional development and one half (1/2) day of contract work day with no required meetings or training.

Dates for professional days selected by the calendar committee will be identified on the calendar.  The committee will schedule activities for the full day required attendance on professional days.  The three professional days prior to the first student day will be 7 hour 25 minute days.

The calendar committee will consist of  members from the following groups: the professional development committee, the superintendent's advisory committee, CCTA, parents, teachers, athletics representatives, other administrators, and the superintendent or the superintendent's designee. The calendar committee will forward recommendations to the superintendent.

The faculty will be presented a minimum of two (2) calendar options from which to choose. The calendar to be voted on will be for the academic year two (2) years from the current year.

Under the 180 day contract, all professional and contractual obligations will be completed to the satisfaction of the building administrator before the teacher is paid June and\or July-August warrants.

2024, 2021, 2018, 2005, 1997, 1992, 1989, 1987, 1986, 1983, 1981, 1975

W-2 Dual Teaching Contract

The 180-day contract will be used for the basic teaching position.

An extra duty contract will be completed for duties other than the basic teaching position.  The extra duty contract will state the duty and the compensation for each duty.  This stated compensation will be added to the basic teaching salary to compute the annual salary for the teacher.      

2024, 2018, 1992, 1987, 1981

W-3 Teacher Workroom

The School Board shall provide a lounge and workroom for the teachers’ use in each school.


W-4 Scheduled Monthly Interaction Meetings

In order to facilitate communication between administration and teachers, each building shall have on its calendar a regularly scheduled monthly interaction/solutions committee meeting.  The meeting will be open to any member of the faculty.  The committee shall consist of one representative from each grade level at the elementary level, one representative from each section of the building at the secondary level,  and representatives from the support faculty.   Each building interaction/solutions committee meeting shall be co-chaired by the building representative(s)  and the site administrator.  The committee will meet each month to discuss items of concern that have been submitted by the staff.   Minutes of these meetings will be forwarded to the Superintendent. Each building's interaction/solutions committee chairperson shall be a member of the superintendent's advisory committee.

If resolution at building level interaction is not satisfactory, the unresolved point of discussion will be part of the agenda of the next superintendent’s interaction meeting with the Superintendent, CCTA representatives, and the appropriate adminstrator(s).

The CCTA president will cooperatively schedule monthly superintendent’s interaction meetings between the superintendent and CCTA representatives to enhance communication and information exchange.

By mutual agreement between superintendent and CCTA President, additional meetings may be scheduled.

2018, 2001,1989, 1985, 1976

W-5 Planning Period

 Each teacher shall have a planning period of at least 55 minutes.  Time allocated for lunch will not be considered as a fraction of the planning period. No teacher shall be required to teach without a plan period without adequate compensation.  Assumption of instructional duties during a planning period shall be voluntary. Teachers shall be personally notified by an administrator prior to assignment of instructional duties during a planning period, and a teacher may refuse to sell his or her planning period. 

2021, 2020, 2018, 1979, 1977, 1975

W-6 Posting Of Positions

A vacancy is determined by the site or department administrator with authorization to post given by the superintendent or the superintendent's designee.

All teaching and administrative position openings will be posted at all school sites in Claremore Schools. Reassignments within the building are the responsibility of the building principal.  

All new positions/vacancies will be posted internally five (5) days prior to posting on the school website.

Postings shall include open and closing dates.

Positions for the following school year will have a ten (10) calendar day application period if posted before the end of school.  Those positions posted after the closing of school through June 30 with have a five (5) calendar day filing period. The district reserves the right to post closing date as “until filled” on vacancies that occur after July 1.  

All applicants from within the Claremore School system will be granted an interview.   The district can interview applicants before the closing day listed on the job posting.  In all cases, the applicant considered to be the best qualified for the position will be hired.

2024, 2018, 2004, 2000, 1998, 1997, 1975

W-7 Athletic Events

Teachers who work at athletic events will do so on a strictly voluntary basis. No teacher shall be required to work at any athletic event without compensation. 

2018, 1980

W-8 Teacher Lunch Period

Every effort shall be made to guarantee each teacher a 30-minute uninterrupted lunch period without the supervision of students. 

2018, 1991, 1979, 1978

W-9 Within System Transfer Policy : Voluntary

Standard forms for requesting teacher transfer will be made available.   Transfer requests from teachers must be on file by April 1.

There will be four (4) forms submitted:  one for the teacher, one for the current principal, one for the future principal, and one for the superintendent

Nothing in the transfer shall preclude transfers based on the needs in the District for placement of qualified personnel in positions within the District.   Completing a transfer request does not guarantee the transfer.

2018, 2000, 1989, 1987

W-10 Duties For Shared Teachers


Full-time teachers assigned to more than one school site during the student day who are required to travel between sites during their plan period or lunch shall not be required to perform any duty before or after the school day.  (Note: The athletic facilities of the school district are extensions of any and all sites.)

2018, 1993, 1992, 1991

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