
F-2 Teacher School Warrants (Payment Conditions)

The 15th day of the month is the pay date unless the 15th falls on a weekend, school break, or holiday, at which time, pay will be distributed on the last working day before the weekend or holiday.

All monies owed any individual will be paid in full on the last contract day, providing the individual has met all district employment obligations.
June and July warrants can be held until June 15. 

Teachers will be paid 12 months of once monthly equal warrants.

Individuals will make appropriate advance arrangements to cover summer insurance premiums and/or any other payroll deducted payments. This would allow coverage to continue uninterrupted. The business office will provide the necessary documentation. 

The language on the individual employment will reflect items on the individual teacher's paycheck portal. 

2022, 2018, 2007, 1999, 1993, 1989, 1976

F-3 Activity Pass

Each teacher shall receive an activity pass that will admit the teacher and his/her immediate family to all school sponsored activities. The teacher's school identification badge shall be used as the activity pass. Immediate family includes spouse and children. Employee must accompany family.

2018, 1987, 1977

F-4 High School Department Head Compensation (Elementary Grade Level Chairperson)

Due to the transition to PLC and guiding coalitions, the position of department head has been eliminated with the exception of special education site coordinators (previously special education department head). 


This item was referred to a study committee charged with examining the following:

1. Job description of department heads

2. Department categories and numbers of persons in each department

3. Selection of process of department heads

4. Feasibility of adding junior high and upper elementary heads

5. Feasibility of adding grade level coordinators for each grade level K-4 at the three elementary sites

6. Equality of additional planning time for department heads\grade level coordinators balanced against extra duty compensation

7. Other information related to committee charges.

The committee met and made recommendations to the superintendent and to the CCTA president in October 1994.  The recommendations were approved but funding was not available to fund the recommendations. 

The Negotiations Team for 1998-99 made the recommendation that the department heads\grade level chairpersons  put in place and funded for the 1998-99 school year.

1998, 1994, 1979

A detailed listing can be found in the appendix. ***APPENDIX NEEDED***

F-5 Dental And Vision Insurance

The district shall make available dental and vision insurance pursuant to guidelines established by the Oklahoma State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board. These guidelines currently require that the employee have group health insurance (either with the district or another provider) in order to be eligible for dental and/or vision insurance.

2018, 2000, 1975

F-6 School Event Compensation

Teachers who work the gate at athletic events shall be compensated $50 per event. 

Nothing contained herein precludes a volunteer working an event from choosing to refuse compensation.

2024, 2018, 2000, 1992, 1988, 1978, 1975.

F-7 Above Degree Hours Incentive Pay

Incentive pay for hours above Bachelors Degree shall be $125 for each five (5) hours up to a maximum of 30 hours.

Incentive Pay for hours above Masters shall be $125 for each 5 hours up to a maximum of 60 hours.

The hours shall be approved by the committee constituted by the Local Above Degree Hours Guidelines (F-9).  Proof of satisfactory completion of course work (photocopy of transcript) must be filed with the committee on or before October 1 of each year.

Send transcripts to HR Director, Trandy Birch,  at Central Office to receive your Above Hours Pay. This can be sent via email or district mail. 

2021, 2018, 1989, 1988, 1982, 1980, 1979, 1978

F-8 Above Degree Hours Incentive Pay (Guidelines)

All credit hours above a bachelors or masters degree earned by September 1 of current school year shall be considered for approval.  In order to be paid for the current school year, teachers must submit official transcripts and application for incentive pay to the CCTA building representative by October1 of the current school year.

A committee consisting of the CCTA building representative, the CCTA President and the Superintendent, or designee will consider all applications for incentive pay.

Application will be in writing and on forms designed by the committee and may be submitted to the CCTA president or the district HR Director.  The Superintendent or designee will set the meeting date to consider the applications on or before November 1.

Course work filed after October 1 will not be accepted or considered for incentive pay for the current year.  It can be submitted the following school year.

It is agreed that the only requirements for approval of a course shall be that the committee agreed by a majority vote that the course work as described in the granting institution college catalog should be beneficial to the applicant in his/her role as an educator.

Incentive pay granted for each five (5) hours above Bachelor and Master Degrees will be itemized and paid by a separate warrant on approximately December 10.   A teacher not fulfilling his/her contract will pay back on a pro-rata share of his/her incentive pay based on 181 day contract.

2018, 1989,1988, 1982, 1978

Form can be found in the forms section of this agreement. 

F-9 Personal Leave Pay

Each teacher who does not use part or all of district paid personal day shall receive $65.00 per remaining personal days or $32.50 per remaining ½ days.  (One-half day constitutes the period beginning or ending closest to 11:45 a.m.) Payment shall be made by a separate warrant.

Any teacher may choose to redesignate unused personal leave days as sick leave days to accumulate for the following year(s).  If this optional leave is chosen, it is understood no payment for unused personal days will be made.

Notice of intent to receive payment for unused personal leave days rather than roll them into accrued sick days must be made in writing to the business office within the first two weeks of the school year.

2018, 1993, 1989, 1986, 1984

F-11 Masters/Doctorate Degree Salary

When certificated personnel complete the Master or Doctorate degree requirements by mid-term of each school year, the salary schedule for the individual teacher will automatically be advanced to the Master/Doctorate Degree schedule beginning with the February warrant, provided the teacher notifies the central office and provides documentation.

2018, 1989, 1982

F-12 Salary Forfeiture

A teacher shall forfeit 1\180 of contract salary per day for any absence not authorized by negotiated leaves, granted professional leave(s), or leave that Oklahoma statutes require that only the cost of the substitute shall be deducted. Additionally, any salary forfeiture day taken will impact a service year in Oklahoma Teachers' Retirement System.

2018, 1993, 1989, 1988, 1982, 1980

F-13 Retirement Compensation

The District shall award each teacher who has at least Five (5) years service to Claremore Schools, upon retirement, thirty-five dollars ($35) for each day of accrued sick leave up to a maximum of one hundred forty days (140 days) provided the teacher retires with a combination of age and service equating eighty (80) or ninety (90) years.

2018, 2004, 2000, 1988, 1987, 1985, 1984, 1980

F-14 Retirement Benefit

The District shall pay to the Teacher’s Retirement System of Oklahoma, (TRS), the entire percentage contribution for both certified and district.

2018, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985

F-15 Plan 125 Benefit

When the school system enters into a contract for an IRS 125 Plan with an approved plan administrator, then employees may voluntarily participate in this plan with no administrative cost to the teacher.

2018, 1989

F-16 Compensation

Each certificated teacher employed by the Claremore District shall receive compensation determined by the compensation schedule.  (This does not include incentive pay or extra duty stipends.  See the compensation schedule.)

New teachers attending the new teacher orientation (ZIP) shall be compensated at a rate of $100 per day. New teacher orientation shall be no more than two (2) days and shall occur outside the 180-day contract.  

A decision regarding off-scale compensation shall be voted upon by teachers.

2024, 2018, 2004, 2001, 2000.1993, 1988, 1982, 1981

F-17 Increment (Step) Funding

The Board of Education is committed to the principle of funding the increment (step) as reflected in the Claremore teacher salary schedule.

When funding is available, teachers will move the appropriate step (s) on the Claremore salary schedule.

When funding becomes available during the school year, the increment should be added to the remaining salary warrants if the step was not given.

If steps have been rolled back, then the previous salary schedule will be restored.

Teachers must have served 120 days of the corresponding school year in the Claremore School System to be eligible for the increment paid during the school year.


2018, 1988, 1983

F-18 Health Insurance Compensation

For the 2004-05 school year, 100% of a single premium Health Choice High Option will be available to every certified employee on the State Health Insurance Plan

Plan participation requirements shall be established in Oklahoma State and Education Health Insurance Plan regulations.  

Teachers not participating in the state insurance plan will receive compensation in the amount of $69.71 per pay period.

2018, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999,  ………….1989

F-19 Death Benefit Of Deceased Employee

If a teacher dies while employed by Claremore Schools, the District shall award payment of unused sick leave to the designated beneficiary, as listed in the Teacher Retirement System.  Payment will be thirty dollars ($30) for each day of sick leave up to a maximum of one hundred twenty days (120 days) accrued with Claremore Schools.  No payment shall be considered for accrued sick leave days transferred from another district.

2018, 1988, 1987

F-20 Bought Planning Period

For all bought planning periods that include student supervision, pay will be based on the fraction of the student day and school year taught.  This fraction of the individual’s salary will reflect the individual’s degree level and years of experience.

Assumption of planning period instruction assignment  will be voluntary.  The planning period assignment shall be with the approval of the site administration and the teacher. Administration shall contact the teacher prior to assigning instructional duties during the teacher's planning period. 

The compensation for a partial year assignment will be pro-rated.

2020, 2018, 1992, 1988, 1987

F-21 One-Half Year Salary Schedule

Beginning with the 1988-89 school year, teachers with one-half (1/2) year teaching experience beyond the total full years’ experience shall be advanced to the next step on the salary schedule.  Example:  A teacher with 5 1|2 years experience shall receive compensation at the 6 year salary scale.  A total of 90 days shall be equivalent to 1\2 year teaching experience.  Any combination of half days and \or full days to total 90 days shall be considered one-half (1\2) year.  The 90 days need not be consecutive, but must be served in two (2) consecutive years.  The 90 days shall be contract days;  substitute teaching days shall not be considered for credit for half year salary step.

We will check legality of this item.

2018, 1987

F-22 Mileage For Shared Teachers

The Claremore School District will pay one way mileage (between buildings) for teachers who work at two or more buildings.

The amount for reimbursement will be the current school district rate for mileage.  Payment will be paid one time a year based on the student days taught by the teacher.

The number of student days taught will be accessed through records kept in the Superintendent’s office.

1992, 1991

F-23 Summer School Teachers

Summer school teachers will be paid at the rate of $ 25.00 per hour.

2018, 1998, 1990

F-24 Career Stipend

Claremore Public Schools will pay each teacher who has completed his or her 28th year a stipend of $1700.
 The career stipend is not contingent upon an available fund balance. The stipend will be issued in a separate paycheck on July 16 to each employee who

1.  was employed by the district for the complete current school year
2.  was employed for the current year, regardless of employment status with the district for the following year
Stipend amounts to be paid are:
            Step 25 - $ 400
            Step 26 - $ 800
            Step 27 - $1000
            Step 28 and above $ 1700

 The career stipend shall not be considered to be salary or benefits for any reason under Oklahoma Statue Title 70, section 18-114.9 (A).  This stipend has been negotiated with the employee organization (CCTA) and the stipend and the limitations as set forth above were knowingly and voluntarily entered into in order to obtain the stipend.  The school district and employee organization agree that the stipend would not have been offered to employees in the absence of the limiting language set forth in this agreement. The career stipend is intended to compensate for the absence of Step increases above 28 on the Claremore Public Schools pay scale.

Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, the stipend for Steps 25-28 will be eliminated, and  the stipend amount for Steps 29 and above will be increased to $1700. Teachers who are off-scale and who have been employed by Claremore Public Schools for 18 years or more shall receive a career stipend amount of $2500. For the 2018-2019 school year, those employees currently at Steps 25 and above will continue to receive the stipend amounts stated above. Teachers who are at Step 25 or above for the 2018-2019 school year will continue to be compensated at the Steps 25-28 rates and will not participate in the new career stipend system. 

2018, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999

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