Professional Agreement

PR-1 Evaluation Procedure

The purpose of the evaluation process in the Claremore Public Schools is to improve the instructional performance.  Ideally the evaluation process is a positive systematic, ongoing process, which attempts to objectively evaluate the individual’s progress towards meeting identified objectives consistent with goals and philosophy of the Claremore Public Schools.  The teacher evaluation system is established for three purposes:
1) To insure supervision of and support for the teachers in order to increase their effectiveness;

2) To insure that judgments made and recorded about teacher performance are valid; and

3) To insure full faith and confidence among the parties involved.

On or before September 15 of each school year, the building principals(s) shall acquaint each employee under his/her supervision with the evaluation procedures, standards and instruments to be used and advise each employee as to the designated principal who will observe and evaluate his /her performance.  The purpose of the orientation is to achieve mutual understanding of the evaluation system.  No evaluation shall take place until such orientation has been completed.

A new employee hired after the beginning of the school term or an employee resigned after the beginning of the school term shall be notified by the appropriate building principals of the specific evaluation process in effect.  Such notification shall be within two (2) weeks of the first day of the new assignment.  New teacher orientation shall be no more than two days and occur outside the 180-day contract.

A district administrator or the designated building principal of the employee assigned to more than one building shall be responsible for notification and evaluation of all such employees.

1) Classroom observations of an employee of state mandated evaluations are conducted for the purpose of evaluation toward the improvement of professional performance as a means of assuring the most competent educational techniques.

2) Observation of professional characteristics during the school day and assigned school activities shall be evaluated as appropriate to aid in building professional character.


Probationary educators should be observed once during the first nine weeks, once during the second nine weeks, and again in the third nine weeks. All observations shall be followed by a feedback conference. The final evaluation with actionable feedback shall be held in the fourth nine weeks.

Every teacher shall be evaluated once every year, except for career teachers receiving a district evaluation rating of "superior" or "highly effective" under the TLE, who may be evaluated once every three (3) years; all certified personnel shall be evaluated by a principal or assistant principal assigned by the Board of Education.


1) Claremore Public Schools utilizes the TLE protocol for teacher observation and evaluation. This document does not supersede any changes made to TLE.

2) Appeal

Any employee who disagrees with the TLE observation/evaluation may respond in writing regarding the disagreement This response will be placed in the employee's personnel file.

7) Personnel File Review

    a. Each employee shall have the right at any time to review the contents of his/her personnel file.  A representative of the Association, at the employee’s request, may accompany the employee in the review.

    b. The Board or its Administrative Representative, including Building Principal(s), shall NOT establish any separate personnel file, which is not available for employee’s inspection.  Location of additional separate personnel file(s), if any, will be noted in the central office personnel file.

8) Personnel File Contents
Each employee’s personnel file in the central office files shall contain only the following:

    a. Original application for employment

    b. Copies of annual contracts

    c. Teaching certificates

    d. College placement materials, including official transcripts

    e. Copies of official personnel action with employee written response if available

    f. Letters of commendation

    g. Correspondence pertaining to district workman’s compensation liability unemployment

    h. Other material mutually agreed upon.

9) Other Personnel Records
Copies of TLE evaluations for all teachers, with attached employee responses if applicable, will be kept in the central office file.

Staff development records shall be kept in the master computer program with printed copies available to the employee yearly or as individually requested.

The employee shall have the right to respond to all materials contained in said file(s) and to any materials placed in said file(s) within fourteen (14) days.  Such employee responses shall become part of said file(s) and attached to the pertinent document(s).

10) Personnel File Reproduction
The employee shall have the right or reproduce any of the contents of the employee’s file.

11) Evaluation Cut-off Date

All teachers shall be evaluated on or before April 15 of each school year. No teacher shall be required to be evaluated after April 15. 

2024, 2019, 2018, 1989, 1987


PR-2 Professional Development

Professional Development Committee

The professional development committee shall include classroom teachers, administrators, school counselors or licensed mental health providers, and parents,guardians, or custodians of children in the school district and shall consult with a higher education faculty. CCTA may provide a list of names from which the administration may choose for inclusion on the professional development committee.

The professional development chair selected by the superintendent or superintendent's designee will notify the CCTA president and the superintendent of any teacher vacancies on the committee.  (Notification of vacancies occurring because of term vacancies will normally occur in April.)  

 Professional Days

The Professional Development Committee will be responsible for scheduling activities for up to 15 hours of training.  Professional training activities on the professional days preceding the first student day may include faculty meetings, grade level meetings, and/or department meetings as well as special training sessions.  On the remaining three days of training in the academic year, a three-hour training segment will constitute an entire (7 hour 25 minute contractual) day.

Professional Development Records

The professional development committee shall be responsible for maintaining professional development records.  It is the teacher’s responsibility to maintain documentation of training or coursework and submit annually to the PD Committee by the designated date determined by the PD Committee.

2024, 2018, 2004, 2003, 2001, 2000, 1981


PR-3 Elementary Physical Education

Every elementary student shall have the minimum state required physical education with a certified physical education instructor.

 2018, 1979

PR-4 Opening of School Inservice

Opening of school inservice shall be limited to the three professional days preceding the first student day. This shall include one contract day with no required meetings or training. 

2018, 1992,1989,1979

PR-5 Teacher Work Day & Teachers' Meetings

Any teacher who exceeds the 7 hour 25 minute work day, including lunch, shall be compensated at the “bought planning period” rate or according to the extra duty schedule.  (See item f-27 for compensation language.) Teachers shall be given a contract to sign by the district which stipulates the 7 hour 25 minute work day.

Except in emergency situations, teachers’ meetings shall not be held more than once per month. Staff meetings shall not continue for more than thirty (30) beyond the workday or begin any earlier than thirty (30) minutes prior to teacher report time. Administrators will attempt to abide by the once per month maximum; however, there may be occasions when an urgent need arises that must be addressed in a faculty meeting outside the contractual hours.

2021, 2018, 1991,1989,1980

PR-6 Back to School Night or Open House

The annual Back-to-School Night or Open House will be scheduled within the first two weeks of the beginning student day.

2018, 1992

PR-7 Teacher-Parent Conference Day

There will be two (2) Teacher-Parent Conference Days, one (1) each semester/term, at the elementary level.

These two conference days shall equal one contract day.

There will be one (1) teacher-parent conference day per block at the secondary level. ZAP enrollment shall be counted as the fourth block teacher-parent conference day.

These days shall be registered as  two days taught as per Oklahoma Statutes

Teacher attendance at conferences with parents is mandatory. Teachers who are unable to attend conferences will be required to take the appropriate leave for the time missed.

2018, 2003, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993. 1992, 1989, 1987, 1983, 1982

PR-8 Professional Day

A professional absence should involve direct benefit to students or the district in terms of contests or honors. 

The decision to allow the professional leave rests with the Principal/Supervisor and the Superintendent.

The teacher will submit written request for professional leave at least two days prior to the absence. The school district will provide a paid substitute for leave granted.

2018, 1998, 1993, 1989, 1987

PR-9 Days for Professional Association Participation


Teachers elected as representatives of CCTA to the OEA Delegate Assembly shall be allowed to attend OEA Delegate Assembly without loss of pay.  Professional Leave will be used for these days. All costs are incurred by CCTA.


Teachers elected to OEA/NEA offices at the state level shall be allowed to attend OEA Delegate Assembly and the OEA/NEA Board of Directors meeting without loss of salary.  Professional leave will be used, and substitute cost will be incurred by CCTA.


In the best interest of communication, members of the CCTA Executive and Negotiations Committees will be given consideration for release time to address business matters of concern to the district.  Approval for the leave must be given by the superintendent.

2018, 1998, 1993, 1989, 1987

PR-10 Leave for National Board Certified Candidates

Year One
The teacher is allowed up to four (4) days of admin/professional leave for National Board Certification portfolio development.  The teacher may opt to use two of the scheduled staff development days as part of these four days.  The teacher is to make any leave request to their principal well in advance of the actual day scheduled in both year one and year two.  (Well in advance is normally ten (10) working days prior.)

Year Two
The teacher is allowed up to three (3) days of admin/professional leave for National Board Certification purposes.  The teacher may utilize the scheduled staff development days as described in the preceding paragraph as part of these days.

Year Three
The teacher will need to apply for admin/professional leave and the principal will make the final determination on the leave request not to exceed three days.  The principal can designate the type of day(s) or combination of days if the request is made in year three.  Principal’s decision is final.

Teachers are encouraged to concentrate their professional activities on National Board Certification portfolio development during their candidacy.

2018, 2002

PR-11 Stipends List

Each year the district shall provide a list of all extra duty positions with corresponding payments for each position. This extra duty list will be included with this negotiated agreement and will be updated yearly.

Salary Schedule and Stipends List


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