
Article I



The method of procedure of the Association shall be based on Robert's Rules of Order.


Section 1.  All officers shall take office on June 1 and shall serve for a one-year term.


Section 2.  In case of a vacancy, it shall be filled by the executive committee, with the exception of the office of the president.  The president-elect shall assume the duties of the president.  The office of the president-elect shall remain vacant until a special election can be held.  There shall be a specified two-week filing period.  The general election will follow.


Section 3.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the association and the Executive Committee.  He/She shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for, and shall be ex-officio member of operating budget for his/her tenure of office.  The president is responsible for the unit's report to the state association.  The president shall cause the publication of the actions of the Oklahoma Delegate Assembly.


Section 4.  The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the president in the absence of the president.  He/She shall be the chairperson of the Elections Committee.  He/She shall cause the results of all elections to be published.


Section 5.  The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the association and the Executive Committee.  In cooperation with the president, the secretary shall certify the unit's annual report.


Section 6.  The Treasurer  shall be responsible for the collection of all dues.  He/She shall have charge of all funds of the association, shall deposit them in the bank in the name of the association, and shall disburse them as authorized by the Executive Committee or president.  The treasurer shall strive to accumulate a saving account balance of $1500 for the purpose of association business dealing with negotiations, grievance or otherwise designated by the Executive Committee.  An annual audit of the treasurer's books shall be made by a special committee appointed by the president.  The committee  shall conduct the audit before the final meeting of the year and give a full report to the membership.  


Section 7.  The President-elect shall be a member of the Executive Committee.  He/She shall become president following his/her term as president-elect.  


Section 8.  The Past President shall serve as a member of the Executive committee for one (1) year following his/her term of office.


Section 9.  A Building Representative shall be elected from every school faculty.  He/She shall serve on the Executive committee.  If necessary, a faculty may elect an alternate who may serve on the Executive Committee in the absence of the Building Representative.


Section 10.  The delegates to the Oklahoma Education Association Delegate Assembly are responsible for assessing the needs of the Association, representing the needs of the membership, and reporting the actions of the Delegate Assembly to the Executive Committee.


Section 11.  The Negotiating Team shall negotiate faithfully with the negotiation unit representing the Board of Education according to the currently accepted procedural agreement entered into by the board and the association.  The negotiating team shall be the sole negotiating unit for the Claremore Classroom Teachers Association.


The Negotiating Team shall consist of five (5) members and two (2) alternate members chosen as follows:  two (2) members and one (1) alternate elected from the secondary level (grades 7-12 and A.L.C.), two (2) members and one (1) alternate elected from the elementary level (grades K-6 and Project CEEP), and one (1) Member-At Large elected from the CCTA general membership.  Special Services members may choose to run for election at the level at which they are currently teaching.


The Negotiating Team members shall be elected for a two-year term each fall before November 1.  All new members of the team shall attend training which will be provided at no expense to the member by CCTA and OEA.


In an odd-numbered year--the elementary members and the secondary alternate will be elected by a membership vote.


In an even-numbered year--the secondary members and the elementary alternate will be elected by a membership vote.   


The Member-At-Large shall be elected yearly.


In the event that a negotiating team member is unable to fulfill his/her obligation, his/her position will be filled by the alternate elected from the same grade level.  If that alternate is already serving on the Negotiating Team, the other elected alternate shall immediately assume and serve in that position until a replacement can be elected.


The term for a negotiating team member will end upon the signing of an approved contract.  New members will begin their terms immediately thereafter.


There will be only five members seated at the negotiations table during negotiations. the Negotiations Team must elect its chairperson prior to the beginnings of any negotiations.  

The chairperson will be the main spokesperson for the Negotiating Team.  


The Negotiations Team will also elect a recorder who will keep all records.  The recorder will also be responsible for recording all hours a team member may work.   

Each member of the Negotiations Team will receive a stipend of $10.00 per hour, not to exceed $400.00.  Payment will be based upon the records kept by the recorder and approved by the CCTA Executive Committee.  Alternates will be paid only if they are actually appointed to take the place of a member and fulfill the duties of a team member.


Article II



The Executive committee shall serve as an executive body in all matters delegated to it.  It shall consider and act upon all matters brought before it between regular meetings of the association.  It shall meet upon call of the president.

Article III



Section 1.   There shall be the following committees, appointed by the president with the approval of the Executive Committee:  Teachers Rights and Grievances, Instructional and Professional Development, Legislative, Public Relations, Membership, Negotiations and Scholarship.


Section 2.   The Teacher Rights and Grievance Committee shall include the work of the Teacher Rights, Ethics, and Personnel Policies.  This committee shall work closely 3with the OEA Teacher Rights Commissio9n, and shall serve as a Grievance Committee in the local unit.   


Section 3.   The Instructional and Professional Development Committee shall be concerned with the continual improvement of instruction and curriculum, and shall plan at least one unit meeting each year on some phase of instruction or curriculum.  This committee shall work closely with the OEA IPD.


Section 4.   The Legislative Committee shall coordinate with the OEA-PAC, and shall keep the members informed about pending legislation.  This committee shall inform legislators and candidates for office of the OEA legislative goals.  The chairperson should serve as the legislative contact person with OEA while the legislature is in session.


Section 5.   The Public Relations Committee shall publicize the achievements and goals of their schools, and their local and state associations.  This committee shall solicit the understanding and cooperation of the public in seeking solutions to the problems of education, and shall cooperate with the state public relations committee.


Section 6.   The Membership Committee shall have the duties of conducting all membership activities within the association and seeing that they are complete and sent to Oklahoma City OEA by the given specified date.  This committee shall solicit new members and conduct activities solely for the betterment of the association.  


Section 7.  The Scholarship Committee shall select scholarship recipients from the current year's high school graduates.  The committee will submit names for scholarships to the Executive Committee at the May meeting.

These guidelines will apply:

     Each scholarship awarded totals $50, but total scholarships are not to exceed $500.  If in any year the total scholarships reach beyond $500, the Executive Committee may vote to extend the amount if funds are available.

     Parent(s) are to have active membership in CCTA.

     Recipients are to have fully completed a CCTA Application Form.

     Scholarship applications must be returned by April 15.

     Scholarship certificates will be presented at the "Awards Assembly."

     When proof of enrollment in an educational institution has been received, checks will be awarded.


Section 7.  The Scholarship Committee shall select scholarship recipients from the current year's high school graduates.  The committee will submit names for scholarships to the Executive Committee at the May meeting.

These guidelines will apply:

     Each scholarship awarded totals $50, but total scholarships are not to exceed $500.  If in any year the total scholarships reach beyond $500, the Executive Committee may vote to extend the amount if funds are available.

     Parent(s) are to have active membership in CCTA.

     Recipients are to have fully completed a CCTA Application Form.

     Scholarship applications must be returned by April 15.

     Scholarship certificates will be presented at the "Awards Assembly."

     When proof of enrollment in an educational institution has been received, checks will be awarded.

Article IV



The president with the consent of the executive committee shall appoint all necessary special committees.

Article IX



An amendment to the constitution of the Association shall be submitted to the Executive Committee in writing.  The Executive Committee shall submit the proposed change to the members for Vote two weeks in advance of a general meeting called by the president.  The changes shall be voted on by secret ballot within seven (7) days of the general meeting and shall be adopted if approved by two-thirds (2/3) of those casting ballots.

Article V



Section 1.   The Election Committee shall consist of the Vice-President and two (2) members appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee.


Section 2 .  The filing or nominating period shall be from April 15-April 30, except for nominations from the floor at the May General membership meeting.  A blank space shall follow the listed candidates on the ballot for write-in candidates.   


Section 3.   Election of CTA officers shall be the second Thursday in May.


Section 4.   Election shall be by secret ballot.  A person shall be elected by majority vote of those cast.  A majority is 50% plus one (1).  If there is not an election by a majority, there shall be a runoff between the two candidates receiving the most votes.


Section 5. Each faculty shall select its building representative to the executive committee during the general election in May.  That name shall then be presented to the vice-president for publication with the results of the general election.   


Section 6. Building representatives shall conduct all elections in their respective buildings at the direction of the vice-president.  They shall secure ballots form the vice-president, oversee the register of voters, and deliver the ballots in a sealed container to the vice-president at the end of the election day.  The election committee shall open the containers and count the ballots.

Article VI



Section 1.   Three regular meetings of the Association shall be held annually.  The Executive Committee shall determine the time and place for the meetings.   


Section 2.   Special meetings of the Executive Committee or the general membership shall be held at the call of the president.

Article VII



Section 1. The annual dues for membership in the Association shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year.


Section 2. At the request of the majority of the membership attending a called meeting, the Executive Committee may assess additional dues as circumstances dictate for that year.

Article VIII



A quorum for all meetings of the Association shall be a majority of those members present.  A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the Executive Committee.

Article X


The Association will maintain a website.

Amendments made by vote of members - 3-4-05

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